In this Episode we speak with Russ Miller from Umpqua Flies. Russ might be the new guy at Umpqua but he sure is up to speed on the companys rich vibrent past. 

Russ speaks about the many roadblocks the brand has faced, the logistical challenges and even the staffing challenges as well. Russ shares with us this amazing history of the brand. 

Russ also talks about how the brand is dersified in many fly fishing products such as packs and gear, fly storage solutions, clothing and the heart of the business flys. 

Russ tells listeners about how and what its like to go to am umpqua fly showcase and see all the new flys they have to offer and choose from, keeping mind umpqua only adds 300n new flys per year to the catalogue. 

We learn from russ the direction and goals that umpqua has going forward for the next 47 years.  This is a great episode with Umpqua Flies. 

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