You may fire up your earbuds when ready! This week we review all of the system open results (yes even ones pre-FAQ) and talk about what lists are relevant to the current meta.  Still trying to figure out a world's squad?  Let this episode help guide you through the murky waters of what lists could be "good" or "viable" for worlds!

[00:04:00] System Open Round Up: Mustafar [00:23:00] Kashyyyk [00:36:00] Yavin [00:43:00] Lothal [00:58:00] Endor [01:00:00] Naboo [01:16:00] Tatooine [01:28:00] Hoth [01:43:00] Brazillian Nationals [01:55:00] What is even happening at Star Wars Celebration?

Fly Better!