"We have no choice General Calrissian, our ears can't repel awesome of this magnitude!" - Admiral Akbar probably.

Welcome back to the Exogorth Maw! Don't worry we won't trick you into flying into our bellies.  While Ryan is away hosts Dee Yun, Steven Gonzales, and Brad Miller attempt to pick up the slack.

Check the rundown:

[0:00:00-0:30:55] Store Champ season report party, Ryan not invited [0:30:56-1:04:30] Fly Casual redux [1:04:31-1:46:35] X-Wing drama, accusations, and internet wildfires [1:46:36-2:01:30] New FAQ! [2:01:31-2:33:35] Wave 8 on competition tables [2:33:36-2:55:15] X-Wing tournament season changes [2:55:16-2:57:10] Shoutouts and close

[Witty Star Wars Reference]

