With the many intricacies of running a business, it’s easy for leaders to feel overwhelmed.  

What often compounds this, is following systems that have worked for others, hoping they will also work for them. 

Success is about individualising… identifying and discarding what’s not working – for you. The art is knowing what to keep, what to discard, what to delegate. 

With over 25 years of leadership, management, and entrepreneurial experience, Nicole BZ literally puts her money where her mouth is. As a business expert and success strategist Nicole has started, advised or lead 38 organizations (their two current companies are a Financial Consulting Firm, and a property and real estate management company). She has invested 1000s hours into coaching owner and executive level business owners. She is so committed to growing the small business ecosystem, that she volunteers with the Small Business Administration as a business mentor.  

In this episode, Nicole shares how business leaders of today are so stressed and overworked without having a clear vision of their path to success. They rely on their skills and capabilities, not seeking for help, repeating the same problems and not making progress.

What you will learn from this episode: 

Find out how to turn problems into opportunities  Learn how to apply a system to trailblaze your company’s success Discover a key management tool that helps create consistency in your cash flow

“When we discover that all we can see as one of two options, we know we need to take a step back from the situation.”  

- Nicole BZ

Topics Covered:

01:28 - What are these ‘two sides of the same coin’ that leaders of today have a fear of? 

02:41 - Unblocking that particular perception of a leader’s success 

03:29 - What businesses does she work with? 

04:18 - Taking a look at Nicole’s process that she uses to work with leaders 

05:41 - Actionable tip to help business owners get unstuck: When you're finding yourself struggling because you feel as if you're stuck between a rock and a hard place, take a step back. 

06:49 - Other actionable tips you can do when you are in a binary situation 

08:22 - The power of synergy 

08:51 - Creating something better together - internally and externally 

09:59 - The whole point of Nicole’s job 

10:10 - Get your FREE leadership and change management workbook, click here:  https://www.nicolebz.com/free-resources 

11:26 - What is the one thing you can do in this moment, to make everything else easier or potentially unnecessary? 

12:25 - Her suggested activity for self-reflection and self-review 

13:08 - Nicole’s one insightful comment to help you as a leader

Key Takeaways:

“Most of the business owners that I'm working with are at capacity, their businesses are thriving, but struggling to be able to serve the level of customers, clients, sales, that not only they need to keep growing, but they need to grow too to hit their big targets.”  

“I always say the business strategy is simple, it's the execution of it where we really get to learn where we are challenged.” 

“When we stop actually taking the steps necessary to implement, measure, track and improve those systems, that's where we learn what's holding us back. And sometimes it can be a mindset, sometimes it's very much based on experience, sometimes it's skills development and resources.” 


The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller 

Connect with Nicole BZ:

Website: https://nicolebz.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NBZCoaching/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nbzcoaching/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/NBZcoaching/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nbzcoaching