Being accustomed to the fast-paced workplace and the virtual environment becoming a new normal these days, how do we power to become the bold, unshakeable leaders expected of us? 

More than ever, creating a sacred space for oneself is paramount. It allows leaders to set the tone for a winning race in the corporate arena nowadays -- a slow and steady pace. 

Certified Life & Executive Coach, TEDx Speaker, Author, Podcast Host, and Retreat Cultivator. After nearly 20 years in Corporate America, Lolita Walker founded Walker & Walker Enterprises, a coaching consultancy that creates intentional sacred-spaces for individuals, corporations, agencies, and groups. She is at the forefront of a movement that empowers women and teams to embrace their challenges and triumphs, act in their strengths, and thrive in the greatness that drives individual and group ownership toward a renewed vision of excellence. 

In this episode, Lolita talks about how we should set boundaries. With the virtual environment and the work already taking the homes, you need to take that pause to regather yourself. Get all the energy and your full self back to be ready and be at top speed again. That it’s time to be intentional to have that BOLD leadership that sees the change you want to see yourself, owning your abilities, willingness, and actions. It’s about delegating and moving out of the way, trusting that your people do the work they ought to do effectively, letting their own boldness shine.

What you will learn from this episode: 

Find out the four distinctive foundations of BOLD Leadership that will help you get clarity, become intentional, and see the changes you want to see by modeling yourself Learn about the decisive actionable steps you can do right now to fire up that bold, unshakeable leadership within you  Learn how to make bold, unshakeable leaders in your team members, followers, in the people that report to you so you can step back and let them be in the forefront, trusting them to do the work that they ought to do 

“Let's be preventative, let's go in and be intentional about how we're looking at our new normal. And then let's set the pace before the pace sets us.”  

- Lolita Walker 

Topics Covered:

01:35 - How do you find sacred spaces in the corporate world and what does this contribute to one’s being? 

02:31 - Her suggestion on how to exactly create that sacred space for yourself. 

03:15 - What does she think of micro pauses? 

03:43 - What is the largest barrier in today’s virtual environment? 

04:38 - What does it mean, ‘set the pace’? 

06:46 - The four distinctive things of bold leadership that you need to look into 

08:44 - Actionable tips to manifest a bold, unshakeable leadership right now 

11:13 - Actionable tips leaders can do to build boldness in their team members, their followers, and the ones reporting to them? 

13:27 - Lolita’s free resource 

15:21 - What is one barrier that I feel is still standing before me? 

17:33 - What do you need to remember always? 

Key Takeaways:

“My encouragement is actually to put in the time for you. Schedule that time in so you can intentionally pause and get yourself together to recap from the beginning of the day, and then again at the end of the day so you can be ready to go full speed ahead tomorrow. 


Listen in to Lolita’s podcast: Coaching, Cocktails, and Conversations For FREE portions of her book, go to Empower Work: 

Connect with Lolita Walker:

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