Georgia Varjas book writing coach, speaker and verbal volcano is talking about how she helps leaders and others to write their own books and show and share with the world their own exceptional life experiences and knowledge.

A book is your legacy, your marketing tool, your imprint and impact on the world and writing is an expression of who you are.

Georgia explains her role as a writing coach and how she supports the experience and process of writing with book advice, writing advice, and coaching


Everyone has their own pace when writing
Writing a book is a journey and it changes the person who is writing it
Promoting your book is a key part of the process and I help with a publishing visibility campaign
If you have something beautiful, like a fantastic book, you need to share it with the world
As soon as you have a killer title I’ll be encouraging you to start talking about your book to others
People love visuals and seeing and knowing about the author is what people want
People are curious and it’s the curiosity factor that we have to satisfy
It’s your job to show how proud you are and how far you’ve come
Your book has to resonant with people, they have to engage with you and get something of value from it
The book has to sell, what is going to make people want to buy it
We all in our own way have something important to say



‘It’s a gradual process promoting the book to yourself and then to the world’

‘Your voice and your pen are your two most powerful tools  of communication’

‘We all have something beautiful to say’



Step Up & Stand Out - Georgia Varjas

Rule It!: How To Stand Out on Video, Stage & Page - Georgia Varjas


Georgia’s Profile




[email protected]



IM (Skype) 


I write to speak. I write to express myself – and others, especially women, through plays, poems, scripts, blogs, articles, short stories and, 4 published books. 

I write to reassure, console, energise, boost and inspire others to think for themselves, to share their expertise and experiences and their wisdom.

And now, as a book writing coach…

I encourage you – to write.

To show and share with the world your own exceptional life experiences and knowledge.

Because I know that writing leads to self-revelations of the extraordinary kind.

Your book is your legacy, your marketing tool, your imprint and impact on the world.

Writing is an expression of who you are. And it is this experience that I share, offering book advice, writing advice, coaching you to become a published author…almost like a book doula!

The tongue has no bones, but it is strong enough to break a heart.  Take care of your words, take care of your language.  Anon (probably a woman)



Hi, I am Alessandro.

My mission is to empower and inspire you to navigate challenging times with greater ease,

feeling more connected to yourself and others, more open-hearted and joyful. Helping to

transform your view of life for the better… 

This Podcast brings you inspiring guests, short meditations, Ancient and Modern Wisdom &

ideas from the Qigong tradition ( a 4,000 year old healing Art )  “Remember, Always keep a

smile in your Heart”.

I am Italian, born in Indonesia living in London and from a young age, was always searching

for deeper meaning in life, asking deeper questions on why we are here on this planet, what

is our purpose and what is life all about?

I have been practicing and teaching Qigong for over thirty years. 

My mission is: I create a world of connection and compassion by empowering myself and

others to embody love, courage and joy. 



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this link  (and you can stop any time)

1 to 1 and Corporate Qigong also available.

Click on the link to book a free chat:





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