Pandit Dasa, Mindfulness Expert, Keynote Speaker, Former Monk and Media Authority on the Future of Work, Resilience, Mindfulness, and Mental Health talks with Alessandro about his own journey and why creating a culture of appreciation and mindful communication fosters happier and healthier employees.

Pandit is the author of ‘Closing the Apps: How to be Mindful at Work and at Home’ and discusses how mindfulness is a tool everyone can use to train the mind and get the best from it across both corporate and personal aspects of  life



If the inner ecology is polluted the outer ecology will also become polluted
You have to begin with yourself and lead by example. If you are asking your workforce to do something you need to also be doing it
When you show up properly others will show up properly
Telling others to do something is easy doing it yourself is more difficult but the change needs to start with you
The mind is an endless flow of thoughts, ideas, and worries, it's a phenomenal mechanism
You need to learn how to manage and control your mind
You can’t control what’s already happened in the past, only learn and grow from it
You can prepare for the future but you can’t predict the outcome
Mindfulness is an amazing tool that can help you to train the mind to get the best out of it
Mindfulness allows the mind to rest and perform better through being present



‘The outside is a reflection of our inner ecology’

‘I wanted to share and bring mindfulness into the corporate world’

‘Change can be very difficult but those who care about their company and workforce will make it happen’



Closing the Apps: How to be Mindful at Work and at Home  by  Pandit Dasa  (Author) 2020

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Pandit’s Profile


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Closing the Apps: How to be Mindful at Work and at Home  by Pandit Dasa

Humanity has ignored the most powerful tool in its possession. An instrument more powerful than anything we are capable of inventing. An instrument that has the power to create war between families and nations or bring about complete peace and harmony.

This device is our mind.

 Our mind has greater depth than the ocean and it is capable of storing more apps than any smart device. Understand how it has the potential to either help us live our best moral and ethical life or drag us down the road of anger, hopelessness, and destruction

Closing the Apps, written by Pandit Dasa, a former monk who now works as a contemporary meditation and mindfulness consultant and keynote speaker, takes us for a ride into our minds. 

Closing the Apps provides numerous practical suggestions on how to implement simple, everyday, secular mindfulness practices for any situation, whether it’s interacting with our colleagues in a fast-paced, high-stress environment or whether we are struggling to find that all-elusive work-life balance



Alessandro Ferullo.

My mission is to empower and inspire you to feel de-stressed, better connected, open-hearted, and realise more of your true potential. Helping to transform your view of life for the better… 

This Podcast brings you inspiring guests to help you navigate through challenging times with greater Ease. Short meditations, Ancient Wisdom &, Qigong Ideas ( a 4,000 year old Art of energy practice.)  “Remember, Always keep a smile in your Heart”.

I am Italian, born in Indonesia living in the UK and lived in 6 different countries before the age of 10.

From a young age, I was always searching for deeper meaning in life, asking deeper questions on why we are here on this planet.

I was introduced to the Art and practice of Qigong over thirty years ago and have been teaching for over fifteen years. My mission is to empower and inspire others to feel de-stressed, better connected, open-hearted,  and realise more of their potential with Qigong



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I offer 1 to 1 and Corporate Group sessions online.

A weekly live Qigong Membership group 

Free Qigong session online on this link:

"Wellbeing in the workplace" Click on the link for a chat & to arrange a Free taster session


















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