In this episode, Alessandro reflects on the changes in nature at this time of year and looks at how when we let go of what is no longer serving us we are making space for new thoughts and creating the capacity to be more healthy and vibrant

Letting go brings clarity, more joy and reveals our true nature and Alessandro shares a chapter from the Tao Te Ching there is a wonderful opportunity to join him in letting go to receive more



Why do we hold on to things? Emotions thoughts and emotions can be let go of
Create space for new ideas by letting go of what no longer serves
What we hold on to can cover up our true nature
It’s important to keep your heart clear like a mirror
In letting go you are able to receive more
When you empty the mind you have more capacity and space for solutions and valuable thoughts
If you can energetically clear the body you have the capacity to be more healthy and vibrant



‘Our true nature is love courageousness and  peace’

‘By giving in we overcome, by surrendering we receive’



Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu - Chapter 22


Yield and overcome;

Bend and be straight;

Empty and be full;

Wear out and be new;

Have little and gain;

Have much and be confused.


Therefore wise men embrace the one

And set an example to all.

Not putting on a display,

They shine forth.

Not justifying themselves,

They are distinguished.

Not boasting,

They receive recognition.

Not bragging,

They never falter.

They do not quarrel,

So no one quarrels with them.

Therefore the ancients say, 'Yield and overcome.'

Is that an empty saying?

Be really whole,

And all things will come to you.


(translation by Gia-fu Feng and Jane English)



Alessandro Ferullo.

My mission is to empower and inspire you to feel de-stressed, better connected, open-hearted, and realise more of your true potential. Helping to transform your view of life for the better… 

This Podcast brings you inspiring guests to help you navigate through challenging times with greater Ease. Short meditations, Ancient Wisdom &, Qigong Ideas ( a 4,000 year old Art of energy practice.)  “Remember, Always keep a smile in your Heart”.

I am Italian, born in Indonesia living in the UK and lived in 6 different countries before the age of 10.

From a young age, I was always searching for deeper meaning in life, asking deeper questions on why we are here on this planet.

I was introduced to the Art and practice of Qigong over thirty years ago and have been teaching for over fifteen years. My mission is to empower and inspire others to feel de-stressed, better connected, open-hearted,  and realise more of their potential with Qigong



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