Alessandro is with Sue Plumtree, a personal relationship coach talking about steps that you can take to help you feel really good about yourself

From learning to put yourself first through to noticing the good around you every day and random acts of kindness Sue shares how you can change the way you experience your life and explains how we all have more control than we think and when we realise this and feel good about ourselves everything changes.



As long as you continue to blame others you remain a victim
We are more powerful than we think we are
You can’t change other people you can only change yourself
Most of us are programmed to help others over ourselves which can lead to exhaustion and overwhelm 
Do something every day that nourishes your soul and you will have the capacity to give to others
Be curious and ask questions
Stop playing the blame game, when you blame others you make yourself helpless and not able to change anything
When you take responsibility you can change things
Identify your true needs and wants and begin to fulfil them for yourself
Random acts of kindness make you and the recipient feel good. 
Make loving, appreciation, gratitude, and kindness a daily habit and watch your world change



‘I know how to build something truly special, a loving strong durable relationship’

‘We are one, our actions affect the world’

‘We are hardwired to be kind and love, but life happens and we can forget’



[email protected]

I work with people over 50 helping them develop strong and loving relationships

LinkedIn: SuePlumtreeRelationshipCoach



Alessandro Ferullo.

My mission is to empower and inspire you to feel de-stressed, better connected, open-hearted, and realise more of your true potential. Helping to transform your view of life for the better… 

This Podcast brings you inspiring guests to help you navigate through challenging times with greater Ease. Short meditations, Ancient Wisdom &, Qigong Ideas ( a 4,000 year old Art of energy practice.)  “Remember, Always keep a smile in your Heart”.

I am Italian, born in Indonesia living in the UK and lived in 6 different countries before the age of 10.

From a young age, I was always searching for deeper meaning in life, asking deeper questions on why we are here on this planet.

I was introduced to the Art and practice of Qigong over thirty years ago and have been teaching for over fifteen years. My mission is to empower and inspire others to feel de-stressed, better connected, open-hearted,  and realise more of  their potential with Qigong



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I offer 1 to 1 and Corporate Group sessions online.

A weekly live Qigong Membership group 

Free Qigong session online on this link :

"Wellbeing in the workplace" Click on link for a chat & to arrange a Free taster session

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