All things Begonia this week. Paul Tsamtsis (lifetime Begonia gardener & expert) & Mike Tentis (lifetime gardener with a more recent Begonia fetish) join Marlene to discuss one of her favorite undervalued flowers - Begonias. Both are active members of the Sacramento Begonia Society, a chapter of the American Begonia Society.

The gamete of topics are discussed:

Different forms (Rex, tuberous, rhizomatous, cane) Preferred soil types Propagation techniques (leaf cuttings, stem cuttings, “congfetti”, mop head) Light exposure Fertilizer types (Osmocote, bone meal, max sea) Pests/diseases (mealybugs, powdery mildew)

To ask questions for future shows, submit them at Flower Power Garden Hour Facebook page, The Plant Lady Facebook page, or Instagram. You can also email Marlene questions, future show topic requests and feedback at [email protected]