It is the March To Do List, and we are still in the heart of winter with lots of cold and wet days.  Not just cold and wet – we have had very low elevation snow throughout California…crazy.  Spring looms though, and preparation is paramount. 


It is time to plant:

·       Vegetables:  Broccoli, beets, cabbage, cauliflower, chive, collards, swiss chard, kale, lettuce, potatoes, radish

·       Start tomato, eggplant, and (maybe) peppers inside

·       Annual flowers

·       Dahlias & summer bulbs (like gladiolas)


Chores include:

·       Prune roses

·       Check irrigation

·       Transplant actively growing plants

·       Cut back dying foliage of bulbs


We finish up with a Listener Q&A section.  Topics covered include:

·       Can roses be trimmed in Dec/Jan before the budding starts?

·       Tomato questions:

o   When is the best time to start planting?

o   Is it better to start them in the ground or a container?

o   When I plant tomatoes, are there other vegetables (certain peppers?) that can be planted at the same time?

·       Is it too late to plant bulbs?  Are there any particular varieties that can be planted in late Feb/March?

·       African violets that have not bloomed in a very long time – any recommendations about how to get them to bloom?


To ask questions for future shows, submit them at:

·       Facebook

·       Instagram

·       email Marlene at [email protected]


Find Marlene over on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook