This is a 35-Minute Classic Flow. This nearly-continuous flow is my answer to requests for a shorter comprehensive practice. We begin standing at the top of the mat and continue moving until savasana is cued. The pace of this class is steady but sustainable. Lunging Sun Salutations provide the structure for the flow, and powerful, balance-based transitions challenge our habitual Vinyasa patterns. You will have a chance to pick your own adventure in getting back to downward-facing dog again and again, so feel free to mix it up and diversify the stressors on your body. Plenty of standing postures are offered in addition to standing hip opening and hip strengthening postures. We wind down with seated postures, bridge, easy reclined twists, and ball pose. If you are short on time, but would like to be long on non-frantic asana, this class is for you. Enjoy!