Do you wanna ride... in the backseat of our podcast vibin' out to hip/hop songs? A-Train hits us with a banger in brakence feat. Blackbear, Dropout. J-Breez slaps back with lilbootycall's Do or Die, feat. Liana Bank$. Babe Breezy also points to the outfield and calls his shots on the next two episodes of Flow and Tell.
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Flow with us, every week, right here on Flow and Tell!

Do you wanna ride... in the backseat of our podcast vibin' out to hip/hop songs? A-Train hits us with a banger in brakence feat. Blackbear, Dropout. J-Breez slaps back with lilbootycall's Do or Die, feat. Liana Bank$. Babe Breezy also points to the outfield and calls his shots on the next two episodes of Flow and Tell.

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Follow Us - Instagram @jabroniu

Flow with us, every week, right here on Flow and Tell!

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