#112: Are you a course creator ready to scale your business to 7-figures and beyond?

In this episode, I’m joined by David Young, Founder and Chief Instructor of the multiple seven figure, Drone Launch Academy.

Combining his passion for numbers and background in aviation, David founded Drone Launch Academy in 2016.  Drone Launch Academy is an online school with over 20,000 students that gives people the knowledge and tools they need to safely and profitably use drones for business.

They partner with industry experts to train students how to take and pass drone-related FAA exams, start and grow drone businesses, and implement new drone technologies and skills.

Starting from the very beginning, we go behind the scenes of how the course Drone Launch Academy came to be and how it has developed over time with David.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

What to do when your course won’t sell Common mistakes course creators make How to find the right people for your team

...and a whole lot more!

You can find all of the links and resources that are mentioned in today’s episode at FlourishingImpact.com/112.