#48 As of the recording of this podcast, the world is dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, and like many others, my team and I are adjusting to the increasing social distancing and stay-at-home orders -- while continuing to run an online business.

Today’s episode is about a challenge that many online business owners -- myself included! -- are facing right now: homeschooling our kids for the first time ever while still running our businesses!

Many entrepreneurs in the online space have been balancing their businesses and their kids’ education for years. So I reached out to several of my friends to seek their advice to help all of us adapt to juggling our work and kids’ education.

I brought together 8 of my homeschooling, online business buddies to share their tips, advice, and routines to help us make this transition successfully. And I’m sharing their insights with you!

Times are challenging right now, but it helps to know that we are all in this together. And with these tips from those who know this juggling act well, I hope you’ll find some encouragement and inspiration to help you, your family, and your business succeed during this uncertain time!

You can find all of the links and resources that I mention in today’s episode at FlourishingImpact.com/48.