Are you running at optimal efficiency? 

As entrepreneurs, we spend a lot of time focused on the optimization of our business, but what about the optimization of ourselves? 

How can we ensure that our minds and bodies are as productive as possible on a daily basis?

Today on the podcast, I’m joined by Tanessa Shears, a health consultant for entrepreneurs and the host of the Becoming Limitless podcast. 

Tanessa understands the importance of the mind-body connection. She helps high-achieving entrepreneurs scale their businesses by optimizing their health, focus, and productivity with science and biohacking. 

In order to fully show up fully in our own lives — for our businesses, our customers, and our families, we have to take care of ourselves from the inside out. And I’m pumped that in this interview Tanessa outlines exactly how to do that! 


In this episode, you’ll learn:

How biohacking can help reduce the signs of aging and improve your quality of life The amount of quality sleep you REALLY need in order to be productive How to tap into your circadian rhythm and wake up without an alarm Incredible tips on how to optimize your nutrition & diet for peak performance


...and more!


You can find all of the links and resources that I mention in today’s episode at