Welcome to this episode of "Flourish-Meant" where we delve into the topic of why we're so exhausted and how to find solutions for fatigue. In this enlightening conversation, host Tina Yeager is joined by the esteemed Dr. Saundra Dalton Smith, a physician and best-selling author of "Sacred Rest". Dr. Smith sheds light on the often neglected areas of rest and the impact of rest deficits on our overall well-being. She shares practical insights on the different types of rest and how to actively restore ourselves in these areas. Unveiling the biblical significance of rest, Dr. Smith emphasizes the importance of honoring God's design for rest. If you're ready to discover the transformative power of intentional rest, stay tuned for this insightful conversation with Dr. Saundra Dalton Smith.

Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is a physician, sought-after speaker, and bestselling author. She is also the host of I Choose My Best Life Podcast where she shares biblical insight to help others live fully, love boldly, and rest intentionally.

Dr. Saundra shared deep insights on why rest is crucial for our overall well-being and how modern lifestyles often lead to a lack of truly restorative practices. She highlighted that rest is not just about physical sleep, but encompasses seven different areas including physical, mental, emotional, social, and sensory rest, among others. She shed light on the dangers of living in a chronically stressed state and provided practical strategies to restore our energy in every aspect of our lives.

In the second half of the episode, Dr. Saundra explored the significance of rest in ministry and discussed how prioritizing rest aligns with biblical principles. She emphasized that rest is not something we earn after work, but rather, it is the foundation from which we are empowered to fulfill our God-given purposes.

To continue exploring the transformative power of rest, we encourage you to dive deeper into Dr. Saundra's insights by checking out her book "Sacred Rest". For those seeking to better understand their personal rest needs, Dr. Saundra also shared "Rest Quiz", an assessment tool available on her website.

For access to these invaluable resources and to learn more about Dr. Saundra Dalton Smith's work, visit her website at IChooseMyBestLife.com.

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