Unwrapping Your Worth in Christ with Royce King

When we feel worthless or we lose sight of our purpose and value, how can we unwrap our worth in Christ? That's the topic we're going to be addressing today on Flourish-Meant.

Today I have a lovely woman of God with me. Her name is Royce King. She's a highly motivated speaker with 20-plus years of experience. As a woman's coach and a group facilitator, she runs a global marketing agency and is a coach, author, and podcast host.

Royce was an underprivileged kid raised by a single mom on the wrong side of the tracks and had a lack of confidence because of those things. In high school, she went into modeling, made some terrible choices, and entered into toxic relationships.

In her forties, King realized Christ that gives us worth, not what the world says. God uses us despite our brokenness. She shared that message with women over and over again, even in her brokenness. But she couldn't accept that message.

After 20-some years of mentoring women and being a group facilitator and a Bible study leader with women, God called King to write a book. She ended up being obedient to him after some arguing and wrote, Unwrapping Your Worth in Christ. That book really shares that beautiful message that the outside circumstances of our world are not what gives us our identity, rather Christ gives us our identity.

And that message continues to resonate with audiences, so this year she’s launching a couple of other things to go along with the book.

We discuss some of the things that are really specific to women, especially those that tend to cover our worth and hide it and push it deep down where we can't find it.

Our worth cannot be found in the things that everyone around us is telling us to search for our worth inside of or purchase a little bit more worth from. If we stay in the word of God, we realize how valuable we are, and that's when we can really unwrap our worth and see us through the eyes that Jesus sees us.

Find that picture of God in your mind and just cling to how much he loves you.

The Bible says to renew our minds daily. The world continues to attack us because if the enemy can make us believe we are not who God has created us to be, we can't impact the world. And we're all called to do something.

And we won't ever accomplish that if we're thinking small, believing small, and walking in a false identity.

In the second portion of our discussion with Royce King, we dive into some practical things that you can do to unwrap your worth in Christ.

The first thing that we need to do is be in God's word daily. You know, he talks about renewing our minds, and if we're not reading his word, we can't renew our minds.

The second thing that we need to do is pray Scripture over us.

God has lavished great love on us, that we should be called children of God. And if we spoke that scripture over us and really understood what it meant to be his child, we would live differently. We would believe differently, and we would impact people at a much deeper level.

Second Corinthians tells us the old life has gone, a new life has begun, and we need to walk in that new life.

It's kind of like veering off of the old worn path and going down a new road. You really have to be steadying the one that made the map so that you know where he is taking you.

God tells us that out of the heart, the mouth speaks, and so our heart is where our thoughts really start and shows us what we believe. And when we believe those beliefs long enough, we end up acting on those beliefs. And so, it really happens in the mind and the heart first where those changes happen and when they happen there, it's so much easier to live out the difference in your life.

And if we love ourselves enough to receive that love from God, we love God better and we love other people better.

We learn to love, like Christ loves because humanly in our human form, we can't. Perfectly and unconditionally because love is patient. Love is kind. Love is not jealous. In our human form, we're not always kind or patient.

One of the things that we do is examine the lies that she currently believes.

The second thing is prayer. Implementing a habit of prayer is so important because the world is so noisy and will continue to lie to us and drag us away. Where we're called to be with the Lord, and it's only in that quiet place that we can hear his still small voice and know what he wants for us.

We discuss co-piloting. We need to be the co-pilot and let God pilot because he sees the big picture. We only see the next runway, but we don't see the entire life plan for us.

Know that you are a treasured chosen child of God. When you come to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are a co-heir with him. You are no longer an orphan. You are no longer an outcast. You are his treasured child and he opens the door to everything you need to accomplish his purpose.

You can find Royce on all the social media channels and go to treasuredthemovement.com (available soon) for updates.

Get inspired now and get Tina Yeager's newest release, Upcycled: Crafted for a Purpose! The book is available on Amazon, Bold Vision Books, or wherever books are sold. Visit Tina's website for craft videos and more at https://www.tinayeager.com/upcycled/