Have you ever felt lost, lonely, or low? Today's guest, Estella Kirk, shares insights for those who need a roadmap from negativity and insecurity to living with confidence.

Estella Kirk has a strong message for teens and young women about self-esteem. She’s only 17 years old, but she has already experienced the agony of low self-esteem at 15. Estella has been a successful actress and model….with even a new acting roll with a movie in Atlanta recently.  She is an incredibly talented Christian pop artist, who just released her second album, Running on Low. The new songs relate to the feelings of being lost and alone, but with every message Estella lets the listener know that God is always there, with every step of the way in life’s journey.

Kirk shares her childhood struggles with insecurity. She relates how the motivational shift toward serving others in Christ's strength improved her confidence. 

Estella also notes that she battled negative thoughts in her early teens and discovered that the lyrics of songs she had been listening to were feeding those negative thoughts and emotions. 

Kirk said that teens have shared their personal struggles with insecurity with her, attesting to how common this problem has become.

Estella identifies the detours of scrolling through social media that can lead to comparison traps and insecurity. She warns against allowing the enemy's voice to get inside your head.

Kirk relates her own struggle with confidence. She encourages listeners to center their self-worth on Christ by reading the truth of their identity in Christ from scripture daily. Estella also emphasizes the need to pay attention to the influences in your life, including music as well as the people you spend time with.

We identify potential traps in following fashion trends, especially for young adults. Kirk defines the significance of clothing yourself with spiritual integrity and righteousness. She shares her experience as a member of an influencer group in California. Estella made the decision not to wear the immodest tank top the rest of the group promoted. We discuss the dangers of setting forth a statement suggesting worth lies in sensuality rather than character. 

Estella recounts how she learned that her worth did not come from achievements. She encourages those struggling with insecurity to take the following steps:

Ask prayerfully, "Why do I feel like this?"  Ask the Lord to help you through your feelings. Use prayer and scripture as a roadmap to guide you out of insecurity. Surround yourself with people who will lift you up. Invest time in developing your relationship with God.

We explore ways to seek connection with a healthy fellowship of believers.

Kirk reassures teens that they can make a difference. She emphasizes that your Christ-centered dreams and goals matter. If it is God's plan, he will carry you through.

Estella addresses the seasons when we feel alone while pursuing God's calling. 

She also shares a message of grace for those who have made mistakes or who've been wounded by the transgressions of others. Kirk encourages us to resist the cultural pressures that lead to negative emotions or unhealthy coping. 

Estella recounts a story of when a friend expressed suicidality. We discuss ways to respond to those in despair. We emphasize the importance of reaching out to get help. Saving a life takes priority over our friends' approval.

Estella shares her key-shaped logo based on Isaiah 22:22 and announces she'll soon release branded merchandise.

Connect with Estella on social media or her website at https://www.estellakirkmusic.com/. Watch her latest music videos on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/@EstellaKirk

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