How do you navigate major changes in your life? Today's guest, Dr. D. Michael Lindsay, reveals the keys to making the most of transitions.   Dr. D. Michael Lindsay serves as the President of Taylor University, a Christian institution that has recently been named by U.S. News the #1 College in the Midwest. He is the author of Hinge Moments: Making the Most of Life’s Transitions and several other books, including the Pulitzer-nominated Faith in the Halls of Power. Dr. Lindsay wrote the book after searching for a resource to offer the students in his university. Since he could not find an adequate reference to help the young people in need of answers, Lindsay consulted the nation's most successful individuals and created a guide to help those who needed it most.   Dr. Lindsay interviewed 550 people, including former U.S. presidents, Secretaries of State, presidents of esteemed universities, leaders of major non-profit organizations, and Fortune 500 CEOs. He discovered incredible insights about how successful people overcome transitions. Lindsay describes the process as a spiritual journey as well as a psychological challenge.  Dr. Lindsay addresses different types of "hinge moments," including changes we expect and those which devastate us. Change is instantaneous, he states, but transition is a gradual process.  Dr. Lindsay examines what he calls the intersection phase, a low point in our transition process. He states the most difficult part of our journey includes God at work and our decision regarding how to respond to the change. Lindsay shares his own journey of leaving a treasured position at one university and waiting over a year before securing his current role as president of Taylor University. During this difficult period, he chose to take a regular discernment walk, which offered tremendous benefit.  Dr. Lindsay notes the 7 stages of transition, one of the first being a sense of restlessness. He encourages several key practices, including the following: Slow down to discern what God might do. Sabbath-keeping gives time to rest and reflect. Recognize the intersection phase, when we need to transition into a new season of life. We discuss the importance of recognizing transition as a change, not an end. We also emphasize the need topPay attention, listen observe, and expect God to show up.   We must be willing to surrender our comfort, gifts, and expectations so God can open up doors for us. This occurs as a result of spiritual disciplines. Fulfillment requires us to hold goals loosely.  Dr. Lindsay cites a host of inspiring examples, including the story of NIH Director Francis Collins, who mapped the human genome to personalize cancer treatment. Collins was inspired by a patient's quiet faith to leave atheism behind and seek a personal relationship with God. Lindsay explains his choice to use the analogy of a hinge. A hinge serves as a fulcrum to open possibilities and close doors that need to be closed. He notes that prayers can best serve us as we listen for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Dr. Lindsay refers to Karl Barth's analogy of the Lord guiding us on a journey to new harbors on the river of the Holy Spirit. D. Michael Lindsay encourages us to prepare for a lifestyle of transitions. He refers to the story of C. Everett Koop. Koop was Surgeon General and a world-class pediatric surgeon who described a lifelong journey of new opportunities and purpose. Like a lobster during its molting phase, our most vulnerable times often serve as the periods during which we undergo the greatest amount of growth. Look for Dr. D. Michael Lindsay's book, Hinge Moments, wherever books are sold. Learn more about Dr. Lindsay at    I would like to invite you to join The True Crime Mission Fields Program, a life-changing opportunity exclusively joining Christians who have married faith and true crime.   Featuring Chaplain Lori Prather, the products within the True Crime Mission Fields Program allow you to connect your passions and skills as Christians with practical service opportunities within the world of true crime.   You will begin to serve people in difficult circumstances, and have a greater impact in this world than you ever imagined possible.   Access your Free Report: Meet the Christian Who Married Faith with True Crime and receive up to 70% of any collection when you use this link