Welcome to another episode of Flourish-Meant! Today, we have a very special guest, Elizabeth Bristol, joining us to discuss a topic close to our hearts: "God Adores You."

Elizabeth is an author, educator, and speaker who has overcome people-pleasing, abuse, and neglect through Christ-centered care. She knows firsthand the struggle of seeking love and feeling loved, especially when her own upbringing did not provide that foundation. But Elizabeth discovered that God's love is unconditional and transformative when she allowed Him into her life. Now, she's on a mission to help others understand and experience this incredible love that God has for each one of us.

 Tune in as Elizabeth and our host, Tina Yeager, dive deep into the topic of God's adoration and how it can transform our lives. Let's embrace the power of God's love together on this episode of Flourish-Meant!

🔑 Key Takeaways:

1️⃣ Knowing God's love transforms our lives: When we truly grasp God's unconditional love for us, it changes everything. We become more receptive to His guidance, wisdom, and direction for our lives.

2️⃣ Even in our pain, God can bring purpose: No matter what hardships we've endured, God has the incredible ability to take our brokenness and work it together for our good. His miracles in our lives surpass our wildest imagination.

3️⃣ God's love is evident in diverse ways: I asked different friends how they know God loves them, and their answers were profound. From fulfilling the deepest longings of our hearts to providing exactly what we need (not just what we want) and sustaining us through challenging circumstances, God's love shines through the darkness.

Connect with Elizabeth at https://www.elizabethbbristol.com

To book Tina as a speaker, connect with her life coaching services, and more, visit her website: https://tinayeager.com/

Get inspired now and get Tina Yeager's newest release, Upcycled: Crafted for a Purpose! The book is available on Amazon, Bold Vision Books, or wherever books are sold. Visit Tina's website for craft videos and more at https://www.tinayeager.com/upcycled/

Follow Tina on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tina-Yeager-M.A./e/B06Y4T4TMG/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0

Upcycled: Crafted for a Purpose (Bold Vision site)

Beautiful Warrior: Finding Victory Over the Lies Formed Against You (publisher site): https://www.newhopepublishers.com/shop/beautiful-warrior/

If you're a writer, subscribe to Inkspirations Online (devotional publication by writers for writers): https://www.inkspirationsonline.com/

Manage stress and anxiety in 10 minutes a day with the course presented by 15 experts, Subdue Stress and Anxiety https://divineencouragement.onlinecoursehost.com/courses

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tina.yeager.9/

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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3865622.Tina_Yeager