How do we find freedom from trauma in our lives? Today's guest, J. Otis Ledbetter, offers insights on the keys to overcoming trauma.

J. Otis Ledbetter is an author, conference speaker and lead pastor at Sonrise Church in Clovis, California. He holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Liberty University. He is the author of Your Heritage: How to Be Intentional about the Legacy You Leave and Soul Hunger: Satisfying Your Heart’s Deepest Longing. See also:

Dr. Ledbetter shares how the issue of trauma first captured his attention during a board meeting for the Parenting Enhancement Program. The Board of Education required development of a Trauma-Informed curriculum to address emerging issues resulting from the recent pandemic. When Ledbetter saw the impact of trauma upon children in his county, his heart couldn't take it.

Ledbetter also heard the leader of a national ministry say he'd never heard a pastor address the issue of trauma from the pulpit. Realizing he hadn't targeted the topic of trauma, J. Otis wrote a sermon series on trauma. When he delivered the messages for the series, an unusual silence fell across the congregation as he spoke. Ledbetter received more feedback from his messages on trauma than he'd gotten from the entirety of his 36 years in ministry at that church, so he decided to write a book on this much-needed subject.

We discuss the rise in anxiety, depression, and suicide among children, teens, and adults. Dr. Ledbetter describes the progression from fear to anxiety, mood swings, and then isolation. He states that isolation brings on hopelessness and desperation, which can lead to suicidality.

Ledbetter declares the Bible is the best psychology book ever written. He states this is why he chose to approach this topic from a spiritual perspective. His school district intended to address only the social and emotional aspects of trauma, but Ledbetter recognized the need to include the spiritual component.

Dr. Ledbetter explains that the most revered people featured in scripture all suffered from trauma. He defines trauma as a chronic reaction to an event, not the event itself.

We discuss why the church has avoided the subject of trauma and how believers can better respond to the issue. Ledbetter cites the following reasons why Christians fail to deal well with trauma:

The myth that Christians should not have troubles We become comfortable with our pain.

He cites Biblical examples of those who became too familiar with an unhealthy lifestyle. J. Otis describes how we often cry about pain but remain reluctant to allow anyone to touch the sore points and free us from the cause.

Dr. Ledbetter declares we need to live vertically in a horizontal world. He elaborates upon how trauma compounds as new events trigger additional chronic reactions. Quoting a therapist, he describes how trauma shatters perspective like a pebble hitting a windshield.

Ledbetter cites Biblical examples of trauma related to loss, anxiety, moodiness, isolation, and suicidality. He states this progression leads to lying as we attempt to create a safe place for ourselves. Our personal choice remains a key factor in overcoming trauma.

We discuss how isolation keeps us from the source of healing.

We also explore reasons why believers and even ministry leaders fear reaching out, particularly the lack of proper training.

Ledbetter encourages us to see hurting people as disconnected souls. He refers to his book, Soul Hunger, in which he identifies the number one hunger of the soul as connection. If a person has a psychological disorder, refer them to professional support. If the wounded heart does not have a mental health disorder, offer them the healing balm of connection. 

We discuss equipping lay believers and ministry to respond better to trauma, using Set Free as a resource. Ledbetter describes how people in the Bible moved from fear to faith, from anxiety to assurance, from moodiness to maturity, from isolation to involvement, and from lying to leadership. 

Connect with Dr. J. Otis Ledbetter's resources, including his book, Set Free, at

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