How can we help our children when they're facing anxiety? Today's guest, author Mary Holloman, shares insights and techniques for parents seeking to help their kids overcome fear.

Mary Holloman is a contributing author for three books and has written for many online publications, including Her View From Home, Lifeway Research, the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, Charisma Magazine, and the Christian Broadcasting Network.   Mary explains how her motivation to write stems from her personal struggle with anxiety and the heartwarming experiences she had when reading with her children. The scripture in Matthew 16 inspired her to imagine a lily bent over in worry. She then recognized herself in the image of that anxious lily.    Holloman lists the following signs which may indicate anxiety in children: avoidance angry outbursts insomnia nightmares fidgeting or restlessness angst

Mary advises parents to take an emotional and experiential inventory with their children if they recognize something seems "off." 

We discuss how using a story as a framework for emotional discussion is disarming and can help kids identify what's in their own hearts.

Mary encourages parents to employ and model healthy spiritual and emotional coping patterns to better equip their children with healthy spiritual and emotional practices.

We discuss age-appropriate ways to talk about your feelings with children. Holloman advises parents to share how they're dealing with emotions in healthy ways. She notes the importance of praying about concerns with kids. Mary also encourages using low-intensity words to retain a sense of security.

Holloman lists the following practical tips to help kids reduce anxiety symptoms:

deep breathing visual charts and calendars side-by-side activities reflective listening with low-intensity words observing physical symptoms and asking about them using "I notice" statements reassuring scriptures (e.g. Psalm 23, Philippians 4:6-7, Romans 8) reminding kids that God is always good

We discuss when and how to seek professional help for children.

Connect with Mary Holloman at or on Instagram @marytholloman. Check out her book, The Anxious Lily, at

Get inspired now and get Tina Yeager's newest release, Upcycled: Crafted for a Purpose! The book is available on Amazon, Bold Vision Books, or wherever books are sold. Visit Tina's website for craft videos and more at

How can we help our children when they're facing anxiety? Today's guest, author Mary Holloman, shares insights and techniques for parents seeking to help their kids overcome fear.

Mary Holloman is a contributing author for three books and has written for many online publications, including Her View From Home, Lifeway Research, the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, Charisma Magazine, and the Christian Broadcasting Network.   Mary explains how her motivation to write stems from her personal struggle with anxiety and the heartwarming experiences she had when reading with her children. The scripture in Matthew 16 inspired her to imagine a lily bent over in worry. She then recognized herself in the image of that anxious lily.    Holloman lists the following signs which may indicate anxiety in children: avoidance angry outbursts insomnia nightmares fidgeting or restlessness angst

Mary advises parents to take an emotional and experiential inventory with their children if they recognize something seems "off." 

We discuss how using a story as a framework for emotional discussion is disarming and can help kids identify what's in their own hearts.

Mary encourages parents to employ and model healthy spiritual and emotional coping patterns to better equip their children with healthy spiritual and emotional practices.

We discuss age-appropriate ways to talk about your feelings with children. Holloman advises parents to share how they're dealing with emotions in healthy ways. She notes the importance of praying about concerns with kids. Mary also encourages using low-intensity words to retain a sense of security.

Holloman lists the following practical tips to help kids reduce anxiety symptoms:

deep breathing visual charts and calendars side-by-side activities reflective listening with low-intensity words observing physical symptoms and asking about them using "I notice" statements reassuring scriptures (e.g. Psalm 23, Philippians 4:6-7, Romans 8) reminding kids that God is always good

We discuss when and how to seek professional help for children.

Connect with Mary Holloman at or on Instagram @marytholloman. Check out her book, The Anxious Lily, at

Get inspired now and get Tina Yeager's newest release, Upcycled: Crafted for a Purpose! The book is available on Amazon, Bold Vision Books, or wherever books are sold. Visit Tina's website for craft videos and more at