On this episode of Flourish-Meant, our host Tina Yeager talks with Daniel Kennedy, the CEO of Oasis of Hope, about effective healing for cancer and more. Daniel shares how his personal experience with disease-related deaths in his family ignited his passion for disease prevention and prompted his approach to building up the body's strength to manage cancer. He believes in seeking a more whole-person-based healing approach instead of a traditional medicine approach. He also shares his philosophy, which is that it's better to live a long, healthy life instead of a long, sick one. In this episode, he also talks about how to manage depression and anxiety through learning and how specific emotions can stimulate the production of hormones like cortisol, which can negatively impact the immune system. Kennedy talks about the impact of emotional health on physical health, emphasizing the importance of spiritual fortitude to overcome fear and surrender. Tune in to learn more about Daniel's approach to living a healthy, disease-free life.

Daniel Kennedy is the grandson of the founder of Oasis of Hope, a holistic health center that began in 1963. His grandfather was a traditional doctor trained during the scientific medical revolution of the 1930s and 40s, which emphasized a more scientific approach to medicine over a more humanistic one. But he came to realize the importance of focusing on the patient, not just the disease and developed a holistic model that ministered to the whole person, including their emotional and spiritual needs. Daniel is proud to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Oasis of Hope and continues to carry on his grandfather's legacy of patient-centered healing.

Episode Summary: Daniel Kennedy, the CEO of Oasis of Hope, speaks about his passion for disease prevention and his holistic approach to cancer treatment. 

- Kennedy's Background and Philosophy 
    - Kennedy's passion for disease prevention ignited while working with 1000 cancer patients at Oasis of Hope Hospital. 
    - Personal experience with disease-related deaths in his family. 
    - Believes in seeking a more whole person-based healing approach instead of traditional medicine approach. 
    - Philosophy is that it's better to live a long, healthy life instead of a long, sick one. 
    - Currently working on a doctorate in social work at USC with the goal of starting a nonprofit to close the health gap for marginalized populations.

- Oasis of Hope's Approach to Cancer Treatment 
    - Focuses on building up the body's strength to take care of the cancer. 
    - Emphasizes the importance of emotional and spiritual health in treating cancer.
    - Incorporates forgiveness, joy, and freedom from resentment and guilt in treatment. 
    - Encourages patient-to-patient prayer and making meaningful memories.

- The Impact of Emotional Health on Physical Health
    - Discusses the connection between emotions and hormones in the field of cycloneuroendocrinology. 
    - Restoring the immune system, including through the psyche, is critical for those already dealing with cancer.
    - Suggests starting with counseling for emotional health and finding joy to improve the immune system. 
    - Recommends nourishing the body and spirit through self-care, including a diet with fewer preservatives and pesticides and a reduction in meat consumption.

- The Importance of Food 
    - Human's ability to live forever on Earth before the concept of sin was because the food they ate had perfect nutrients and quantities that prevented pollution and aging.
    - Current food is contaminated, even organic food. 
    - Patients are encouraged to grow their own food as a means of protecting it from harmful contaminants in the air and water.
    - Discusses portion sizes and how God engineers everything.

Key Takeaways 
    - Encourages listeners to pray for strength to do what they know is right and not be stuck in a cycle of doing what they don't want to do. 
    - Eating unhealthy food will not lead to good health, but encourages listeners to not feel guilty about it and to focus on redeeming themselves by making healthier choices in the future.

Connect with Oasis of Hope at https://www.oasisofhope.com/

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