On this episode of Flourish-Meant, Tina Yeager speaks with guest Destiny Yarbrough about spending time with the Holy Spirit to build trust, the importance of vulnerability and being real, and finding a qualified counselor. Destiny also discusses their personal story of going through a painful divorce with an addict, the dangers of keeping emotions bottled up, and the importance of self-love. They share a personal account of being called to Israel and encourages Christians to pray for Israel and be knowledgeable about the prophesies in the Bible. The episode emphasizes the importance of change, forgiveness, and taking responsibility for one's actions.

Destiny Yarbrough is on a mission to reach the world for Christ. Destiny is the founder and publisher of Salt & Light Christian Lifestyle Magazine. The Magazine's purpose is to touch, move and inspire readers through the word of God. Destiny is also an ordained minister with a passion for Deliverance and hope to women who are beginning a relationship with Jesus and women who are in church every Sunday yet need a spiritual breakthrough to take their faith walk to the next level. Destiny also shares her message through her book Visions, Dreams and Destiny: God has called you to be a visionary, bring your dreams to life and walk in your destiny. Destiny is best known for her Christian TV talk show, DestinyX “Making a Difference for The Next Generation” A lively and insightful Christian talk show dedicated to encourage and inspire The Next generation. Destiny is also The Executive Producer of her show. Before becoming an Author, TV host, Conference host/MC, producer and publisher Destiny knew that her love for people was more than simply “being a people person” but indicated a call to minister to people. Destiny brings a fresh approach to speaking, magazine publishing, and conference hosting by meeting people right where they are.

Some topics covered in this audio session are:

The importance of spending time with the Holy Spirit and seeking revelation
  - Man will always let us down, but the Holy Spirit can reveal secret things and give us wisdom
  - Seeking revelation is our lifeline with the Holy Spirit and helps us discern God's will
- The speaker's personal story of going through a painful divorce with an addict and writing a book about addiction, forgiveness, and breaking the cycle of codependency
  - The book aims to set captives free and prevent addiction from tearing apart families
- The importance of finding a qualified counselor and being cautious of seeking counsel from unqualified people
  - Bottling up emotions is like shaking a soda bottle, and everything can explode when released
- The need for vulnerability and self-examination for healing and growth
  - The surgical process of surrendering to the Holy Spirit and embracing healthy mindsets
  - People have to want to change and do the work themselves
- The speaker's belief in the simplicity of revelation and God's word
  - Breaking generational curses and sticking to biblical principles
  - God shows us the secret things and provides answers when we trust Him
- The importance of self-love and being mindful of one's heart space for spiritual growth
  - Checking if tasks are from the Holy Spirit or personal desires
  - Projecting positive spiritual energy can attract others
- The speaker's connection to Israel and being called to bridge the gap between Jews and Christians
  - The need to pray for Israel and understand biblical prophecies
  - Identity in Christ and obedience to His calling are more important than material possessions or good works
- The value of authenticity, collaboration, trust, and unity in the body of Christ
- The importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and seeking true change through the Holy Spirit
  - Forgiveness and repentance bring freedom; vulnerability and trust in God break the enemy's hold

Watch the show, Destiny X TV, find Salt and Light Magazine, and get your copy of Destiny's book, Visions, Dreams, and Destiny, at her website, http://www.destinyx.tv/. Experience the documentary film, Bridging the Gap in the Holy Land on YouTube and via the media outlets supporting Destiny X TV and Pearls of Promise TV.

To book Tina as a speaker, connect with her life coaching services, and more, visit her website: https://tinayeager.com/

Get inspired now and get Tina Yeager's newest release, Upcycled: Crafted for a Purpose! The book is available on Amazon, Bold Vision Books, or wherever books are sold. Visit Tina's website for craft videos and more at https://www.tinayeager.com/upcycled/

Follow Tina on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tina-Yeager-M.A./e/B06Y4T4TMG/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0

Upcycled: Crafted for a Purpose (Bold Vision site)

Beautiful Warrior: Finding Victory Over the Lies Formed Against You (publisher site): https://www.newhopepublishers.com/shop/beautiful-warrior/

If you're a writer, subscribe to Inkspirations Online (devotional publication by writers for writers): https://www.inkspirationsonline.com/

Manage stress and anxiety in 10 minutes a day with the course presented by 15 experts, Subdue Stress and Anxiety https://divineencouragement.onlinecoursehost.com/courses

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tyeagerwriting/

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tinayeager/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tina.yeager.9/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TinaYeager

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/tyeagerwrites/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3865622.Tina_Yeager