Hey, fellow entrepreneurs! If you struggle with insecurity, you're not alone. I had an inspiring conversation on my podcast episode with Dr. Kim Allen about crushing insecurity. We talked about identifying our spiritual gifts, not comparing ourselves to men, and discerning the voices in our minds. Dr. Allen provided practical tips on how to overcome insecurity by getting back into the fight and not giving in to perfectionism. Don't let insecurity hold you back from your destiny and purpose. Check out "Crushing Insecurity" by Dr. Kim Allen, now available on Amazon, End Game Press, or her website. Let's crush insecurity together and reach our full potential. 

Dr. Kim Allen is an accomplished professional in Information Technology, Spiritual Leadership, and Education. With specialties in planning, professional development, adult education, and small group leadership, she develops and presents curricula, mentors women who need technical skills to return to the workplace, and assists other spiritual leaders in facilitating life-changing materials. Dr. Allen received her Master's degree in Business Computer Information Systems Management and Doctorate of Theology while working full time, pastoring, raising a family, leading small groups, and mentoring students. In addition, through online education, Dr. Allen has provided curriculum resources worldwide.

On this episode of Flourish-Meant, Dr. Kim Allen discusses the topic of Crushing Insecurity. Dr. Allen shares her personal experiences of struggling with insecurity and her journey of overcoming it. She highlights the importance of authentic relationships and seeking guidance from God in identifying the root cause of insecurity. Dr. Allen also provides practical tips for overcoming insecurity, including acknowledging vulnerability and taking responsibility for holding onto unforgiveness. The discussion covers societal pressure, self-talk, and the difficulty of determining who to trust. Dr. Allen's book, Crushing Insecurity, is also discussed, which can be purchased on Amazon or the author's website. Listeners are encouraged to confront their insecurities and pursue their passions in order to fulfill their destiny and purpose.

Here are the key points we discussed:

Moment of realizing gifts and calling
    - Inspiring other women to share faith
    - Overcoming the belief that past failures can't be used by God
    - Women struggling to compare themselves to men due to societal pressure
    - Identifying and operating in areas where God wants us to grow and flourish
- Study by Hewlett Packard on women in leadership positions
    - Women only applying for positions when 100% qualified, while men apply when 66% qualified
- Importance of remembering God's words to overcome self-doubt and limitations
- Change of perspective after hurricane
- Authentic relationships with people and with God
    - Importance of rest and not overworking
- Common fear and insecurity in pursuing buried dreams
    - Different reasons for insecurity depending on environment and upbringing
- Overcoming insecurity involves prayer, seeking guidance, and discerning voices
- Example of family with sign due to theft highlights difficulty in determining trust
- Prayer and forgiveness can open up new possibilities in relationships
- Taking responsibility for holding onto unforgiveness is crucial in overcoming insecurity
- People in crisis or with unresolved trauma may have a hard time determining who to trust
    - Toxic self-talk and difficulty distinguishing helpful and harmful influences
    - Relationships are important in allowing others to speak truth into our lives
- Practical tips for overcoming insecurity from Dr. Kim Allen
- Insecurity is the enemy of destiny and purpose
    - Importance of courageously standing up to negative words and choosing to believe in God's words
- Guest's book, "Crushing Insecurity," can be purchased on Amazon or their website
- Speaker's personal experience with insecurity and pursuing her dreams
- Allen's experience as a technician in IT and dream of empowering women
- Importance of addressing spiritual insecurity
    - Past traumas and wounds leading to intimidation
- Despite appearing successful, individuals can still struggle with insecurity.

Crushing Insecurity: Pushing Boundaries and Pursuing Dreams (End Game Press, 2023) is a powerful resource for women, encouraging them to increase their confidence, explore their creativity, and live life abundantly in their unique purposes. Available at endgamepress.com, Dr. Allen's book provides honesty in her own journey and offers a wealth of hard-earned wisdom to guide other women to a richer life in the areas of faith, family, business, and education.

Connect with Dr. Kim Allen at https://www.kimallenauthor.com/

To book Tina as a speaker, connect with her life coaching services, and more, visit her website: https://tinayeager.com/

Get inspired now and get Tina Yeager's newest release, Upcycled: Crafted for a Purpose! The book is available on Amazon, Bold Vision Books, or wherever books are sold. Visit Tina's website for craft videos and more at https://www.tinayeager.com/upcycled/

Follow Tina on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tina-Yeager-M.A./e/B06Y4T4TMG/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0

Upcycled: Crafted for a Purpose (Bold Vision site)

Beautiful Warrior: Finding Victory Over the Lies Formed Against You (publisher site): https://www.newhopepublishers.com/shop/beautiful-warrior/

If you're a writer, subscribe to Inkspirations Online (devotional publication by writers for writers): https://www.inkspirationsonline.com/

Manage stress and anxiety in 10 minutes a day with the course presented by 15 experts, Subdue Stress and Anxiety https://divineencouragement.onlinecoursehost.com/courses

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