How can we boost everyday life through grace and gratitude?

Today's guest, Michele Howe, shares her personal insights and tips to live your best each day by shifting toward a mindset of thankfulness!

Michele Howe has published over 3000 reviews/articles and has been featured on numerous radio shows across the country speaking on topics such as parenting and a diverse range of women’s health issues. Michele is the author of twenty-three books for women. 

On today's special episode, we discuss the following tips to optimize your life through grace and gratitude:

Gratitude is a choice, not a feeling. God is present with us during difficult times. The Lord can provide the strength and grace we don't have on our own. Remain mindful of and present in today rather than worrying about the future. Seeing God's character is the key to shifting our mindset from negativity to positivity. There is healing power in gratitude. Work toward cultivating a default response of praise and thankfulness. Post mind-renewing scriptures where you will see them often. Mind renewal is a process of cooperating with God to change our thoughts one moment at a time. Focusing on God more than self helps us to develop a joyful, grateful attitude.

Michele shares the following additional tips on living with joyful thanksgiving:

Examine your expectations. If our motives center on serving Christ, we can avoid a lot of disappointment. Our faults and shortcomings do not limit God's ability to bless others through us. Choosing to trust Jesus increases our grace and gratitude. Monitor your thoughts for negative patterns. Spend time in scripture each day so you can grow closer to the source of blessings. Choose gratitude before you feel it. Share grace with others even when you don't feel like it. Forgiveness sets you free from a prison of your own making. Choosing kindness lifts your mood. When you start to count blessings, you'll find it difficult to stop.

Connect with Michele at, where you can check out her book Grace and Gratitude for Everyday Life.

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