How powerful is a woman's ability to reach souls? Today's guest, Mischelle Manis, offers insights on the unique ways women are equipped to impact the world with great spiritual impact.

Mischelle Manis serves as the Director of Women’s Ministry at Reaching Souls International, currently leading its efforts to begin supporting women evangelists around the world to reach their own people for Christ as National Missionaries. This year’s travels will take her to Africa five times and Cuba twice.Manis believes that women are of great worth, uniquely
created for life and for ministry. She has led teaching
teams around the world to train thousands of pastors’
wives and women church leaders in evangelism and
Throughout these years, she has walked countless dirt
roads and city streets locked arm in arm with women
evangelists around the world, encouraging them and
simultaneously learning from them.
Manis taught at a high school for several years and homeschooled her four children for many years as well. She has volunteered at dozens of free seminars for college-aged women and women-based nonprofit organizations.
Although she has walked through great personal heartache, Manis carries a message of hope, both in this life and in the one to come for eternity. Mischelle is known to call it like it is, but
speaks the truth with grace.
Manis is a mother of four grown children, the oldest of whom is waiting for her in heaven. She has been married to Dustin Manis, President and CEO of Reaching Souls, for 30 years.

Manis recounts how her travels and work with women across the globe revealed we are a strong, resilient, and beautiful gender. She witnessed women who are doing things for the Lord under oppressive situations. Mischelle declares God can and IS using women to change hearts, minds, and generations all over the world. 

Manis states that Reaching Souls International supports missionaries in Africa, India, and Latin America. The organization promotes nationals reaching nationals in each country, offering education, financial assistance, evangelistic tools, and curriculum to equip local people in ministry.

On her first mission trip, Mischelle witnessed the way neighbors shared Christ with friends and the experience changed her heart forever. She believes every woman understands what it is like to feel unseen, helpless, or insecure. These insecurities, she explains, equip us to minister better to others. We see those who are otherwise unseen. We're often willing to go where others will not in order to reach those in need. She also points out that in some situations it would be inappropriate for men to attempt to minister. Women also have a unique nurturing touch required to reach those in need.

Mischelle recounts a specific occasion when women left a conference to minister in the local community. Despite a man's warning not to enter the nearby bar, the ladies went in and ministered to the girls inside. The young women received Christ and were delivered from the sex trade. One of the girls went directly to find shelter at a nearby church. 

Manis cites the scripture in 1 Cor. 12 regarding the need for all members and their specific gifts in the body of Christ. Without women in ministry, the body of Christ is missing out.

Our discussion delves deeper into how women can embrace their calling and purpose in ministry with confidence. Manis shares her personal journey of questioning her qualifications to serve God. She sought the Lord in fervent prayer before her first mission trip. She also depended upon the Lord when facing feelings of inadequacy during the season of raising her children. Mischelle relates the intense grief, devastation, and self-doubt she suffered after losing her son to suicide. She withdrew from all ministry, convinced she could not help anyone. But Manis explains how God redeems everything in our lives and builds us into vessels through which He shines. Through pain, suffering, and loss, we can offer compassion to others. 

We discuss how God often uses us to minister to family, friends, and neighbors right where we are, even if we are not called (or not commissioned in this current season) as missionaries to a distant land. Mischelle notes that walking with Christ doesn't always look like the typical means of ministry from within church buildings or from behind a pulpit.

Connect with Mischelle and learn more about Reaching Souls International at