When Ray was 13 is when he was into it heavy.He even built a UFO with the 1950's
materials at that time from his head his dad helped him it did take off his dad was an electronic enigineer
A Mr DePaul got him really into it he was a Dr Emmitt Brown type of guy.
He phoned met most or all of the 1950's people involved in UFO's at the time.
was one of the first memberships to several UFO groups at the time.Was trying
to get a book published in the 70's.At UPI New York Times he got the lastest info
and photos off the press as photo jourlist.His photo's were on the front pages of
the Watergate Era the 1972 Munich Olympic bombing killings Mark Spitz and other news stories
1970-1978 they wanted him to meet the Iatola and he said No Ah Thank You.He was in the Army a draftee
1966-69.After UPI he went back to school got a degree in becoming a #1 First Class CNN programmer Machinist.
he made parts for the shuttle and US air craft and has returned to it.He almost became a Doctor Medical until
Pres Bush did his budget cut and other dealings when in Tucson.That is why we are in Florida now.And like all of
us UFOers he got talked to by his parents there is no such thing the school and friends as we all did or do.Now
all his friends say Hey man you are so right.Ray seen the same enity/car at a different place coming home from work
in the same week as I and RJ in NY.I e-mailed a Dr Joseph Intelisano from my home town he wrote a book called Intruders
it is on Amazon he has a residence here in Florida he spoke to me many a time on it to me.We are great friends he helped
me walk when I came home from the USAF he is a former chiropractor.To get permission to use his name/book.it is all about
the sightings and encounters of the towns people. We will also talk with Linda his wife who has just an amazing story, due to room we can fit, to listen to me read it copy this link http://bit.ly/ag7gvr