Rick Osmon remembers Sputnik firsthand. He also remembers watching Frank Edwards deliver the nightly news live. And that is what started "Oz" down the path of researching UFO's and many other paranormal phenomena and, especially, evidence of pre-Columbian contact with the Americas. Thus was born the Oopa Loopa Cafe, now in it's fourth year on Blog Talk Radio and about to expand to peoplestvnetwork.com in late June of this year. Then, in Junuary of 2009 Rick partnered with Dennis Crenshaw to produce and co-host Unraveling the Secrets on Blog Talk Radio, which began simulcasting on peoplestvnetwork in January of this year. BTR recently reported that Unraveling the Secrets was among the top 200 shows in popularity of the more than 12,000 shows on BTR in 2009.

Rick attended the US Air Force Academy after high school and, following his stint in the Air Force, earned an Associates of Science degree in 1983 in Laser and Electro-Optics Technology which he applied in the "military-industrial complex", both in industry and in civilian employment for the US Navy. Most of his navy career was supporting Special Operations programs and projects that required high security clearances.

After leaving government payroll in 2004, Rick renewed his paranormal and archeological research in earnest and hasn't slowed. In fact, the pace of his research is increasing daily.