She Has been a member of the Raelian Movement for about 23 years.One of which I am a teacher of “Non-conformity”.Like many people I have questioned the purpose of my life and any link to a creator and when I read Rael’s book “Intelligent Design” 23 years ago it was the turning point in my life. The message in this book was given to Rael by the “Elohim” who have been spoken about since the advance of humans and who were mistaken for gods. They are in actuality as human as we are with of course a very high level of consciousness and technology about 25 thousand years more then ours. They discovered on their planet how to manipulate DNA and create life and at the same time discovered space travel and came to this planet and thus began all of this creation from the fish of the sea to the birds of the air and all animal life. It of course is talked about in the book of Genesis in the bible, on the first day the Elohim created… The word Elohim has been wrongly translated into a singular God and actually means “those you came from the sky” in the plural. They then created all life including humans “in their image and likeness”. They eventually left us on our own to develop and throughout time sent all of the major Prophets, Moses, Buddha, Mohammad and of course Jesus to help guide humanity without interfering. They love us as we are their children and now they have sent their last prophet Rael, who is here is dispel the myth of religion, spread this beautiful message and build the Embassy for their return openly since they created us. This is the basic story and the web site offers the books for a free download. Rael has written many books to help this humanity open the locked doors of our mind which will bring peace, love and happiness to this world. I hope you all will take some time to read the most intelligent and beautiful message given to humanity.