We are back in 2021! And let's really have some fun today, shall we? This is our first of back-to-back episodes in Miami-Dade County, and there's a lot to get through. We start with Ceiba--a new mead, wine, and cider producer coming to the Bird Road Art District. We chat with co-founder and head Sean McClain about sourcing honey and fruit in Miami-Dade, marketing their products to a decidedly different audience, and the fun things they have in their future. From there, we present the final in our pre-COVID interviews with Focal Beer Cafe. Formerly known as Bousa Brewing, the company underwent a complete ownership and vision change, coming through with an interesting business concept. Back in Feb. 2020, before the pandemic hit, we spoke to Head Brewer Carlos De La Rosa and Brand Ambassador Roy Moreno about the change, their concept, and the fantastic artwork that was going up on the walls when we spoke. Listen in...

Host: David Butler of the Florida Beer Blog

Producer: Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur, Chief Enthusiasm Officer

Field Producer/Photographer: Steve Pekala

Interested in becoming FBP's next Title Sponsor? Contact FPN today!

Guest: Sean McClain of Ceiba | On Facebook

Guest: Carlos De La Rosa and Roy Moreno of Focal Beer Café

Support the Show on Patreon: Become a Patron!

Opening Voice Over Courtesy of: Jeff Brozovich

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Additional Support Provided by: Florida Podcast Network and Listeners Like You!!

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