Episode interview with Stuart Lippincott, find his twitter  and SuperRare.

Time Stamps

[0:53 - 4:39] Sabretooth starts by asking Stuart how he started with NFTs.  Stuart started to join the NFT world because of the crazy money currently being made. Stuart’s work is very futuristic with an utopian or dystopian feel and pairs with music bands. Kizu asks if there are any influencers that have remained consistent in his work. Stuart explains that he imagines a universe where all creatures and people all live in the same realm. Music is a large contributing factor to his art.  

[4:39 - 8:26] Stuart started out using Maya 3D, the 3Ds Max, and now Cinema 4D. Sabretooth asks if Stuart sees the tools as what he can do with them or seeks out tools to create what he wishes to create. Stuart landed on Cinema 4D because it is fairly fast and an easy user interface.  He then started to use Octane Render. Octane Render would take a significant amount of time. When Octane came out for Cinema 4D, he challenged himself to learn all there was about the software. Then in late 2015, he came across Beeple’s Everydays. Beeple uses Cinema 4D with Octane and Stuart really started to learn it then. With plugins and addons, Stuart tries to learn as many tools as he can to get his ideas across. 

[8:25 - 11:29 ] Kizu discusses how successful artists have a bigger following and others do not have that recognition. Stuart explains how previous to his first sale, he did not know how cryptocurrency worked. He then sold his first piece and continued to sell really well. Then one day the selling stopped.  He took a couple of months break and then posted pieces that were popular on Instagram and Twitter. These did not sell either though. Despite his large Instagram following and his Twitter account, it is not the case. He is still trying to figure out his own place in the NFT world. 

[11:29 - 13:29 ] To explain this trend in Stuart’s sales, Sabretooth gives his opinion on NFT’s speculation premium. Sabretooth says that people are buying at a premium and that premium says that the price will go up. When the speculation premium was taken out of the market, sales started to decline and have not recovered at this time. Sabretooth asks Stuart to explain how much of his time is spent on client work versus NFTs. 

[11:29 - 16:50 ] From 2016 to this year, Stuart was doing client work and his Everyday Project. In July, he decided that he was done with his Everyday Project. His successes from this past year, allowed him to take the rest of the year off from his art. He has chosen to really focus on learning new tools though. Kizu is wondering if Stuart is learning a specific new effect or just adding to his toolbox? Stuart explains that he has a far goal to create worlds in augmented reality using Unreal. The observer would be able to experience a virtual reality scenario within his art. With there being so many tools available, he is always learning. It can all go into his work and be translated into...

Episode interview with Stuart Lippincott, find his twitter  and SuperRare.

Time Stamps

[0:53 - 4:39] Sabretooth starts by asking Stuart how he started with NFTs.  Stuart started to join the NFT world because of the crazy money currently being made. Stuart’s work is very futuristic with an utopian or dystopian feel and pairs with music bands. Kizu asks if there are any influencers that have remained consistent in his work. Stuart explains that he imagines a universe where all creatures and people all live in the same realm. Music is a large contributing factor to his art.  

[4:39 - 8:26] Stuart started out using Maya 3D, the 3Ds Max, and now Cinema 4D. Sabretooth asks if Stuart sees the tools as what he can do with them or seeks out tools to create what he wishes to create. Stuart landed on Cinema 4D because it is fairly fast and an easy user interface.  He then started to use Octane Render. Octane Render would take a significant amount of time. When Octane came out for Cinema 4D, he challenged himself to learn all there was about the software. Then in late 2015, he came across Beeple’s Everydays. Beeple uses Cinema 4D with Octane and Stuart really started to learn it then. With plugins and addons, Stuart tries to learn as many tools as he can to get his ideas across. 

[8:25 - 11:29 ] Kizu discusses how successful artists have a bigger following and others do not have that recognition. Stuart explains how previous to his first sale, he did not know how cryptocurrency worked. He then sold his first piece and continued to sell really well. Then one day the selling stopped.  He took a couple of months break and then posted pieces that were popular on Instagram and Twitter. These did not sell either though. Despite his large Instagram following and his Twitter account, it is not the case. He is still trying to figure out his own place in the NFT world. 

[11:29 - 13:29 ] To explain this trend in Stuart’s sales, Sabretooth gives his opinion on NFT’s speculation premium. Sabretooth says that people are buying at a premium and that premium says that the price will go up. When the speculation premium was taken out of the market, sales started to decline and have not recovered at this time. Sabretooth asks Stuart to explain how much of his time is spent on client work versus NFTs. 

[11:29 - 16:50 ] From 2016 to this year, Stuart was doing client work and his Everyday Project. In July, he decided that he was done with his Everyday Project. His successes from this past year, allowed him to take the rest of the year off from his art. He has chosen to really focus on learning new tools though. Kizu is wondering if Stuart is learning a specific new effect or just adding to his toolbox? Stuart explains that he has a far goal to create worlds in augmented reality using Unreal. The observer would be able to experience a virtual reality scenario within his art. With there being so many tools available, he is always learning. It can all go into his work and be translated into Unreal. 

[16:50 - 22:49 ] Looking ahead to Stuart’s future, Kizu asks what his ideal role would be. Stuart explains that he believes a creative director slash art director would be most fitting. He enjoys directing the vision, but also helping with work. Sabretooth has Stuart explain more on the Everyday Project that was made famous by Beeple and a previous show guest, Josh Pierce also subscribes to the process. For Stuart, it was the benefit of stress relief during his lunch break and gathering skills in Cinema. Being that this was in 2016, artists posting Everydays on Instagram was not as popular. Stuart’s work got blasted out there. People were seeing, sharing, and posting it everyday. Then he started to get client work because he was able to create quality work quickly. The Everyday Project ended up being beneficial in many ways and Sabretooth points out how he does not need to complete this project anymore because of his success.  Stuart says that he still does work on them from time to time depending on what is happening in his life. 

[22:50 - 23:35] Kizu asks Stuart who his favorite traditional or NFT artist is. Stuart credits Beeple for getting him started in this realm and all his support. Stuart has always enjoyed his work and thinks that he is a great artist.

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