This week's guest is Jean Gilman, the owner of US Fiberglass and Gelcoat in Chester, MD. He also founded World Proof Products, a flooring manufacturer, by bootstrapping the business. During our conversation, Gil shares his insights on team building and finding the right connections in business. He emphasizes the importance of asking the question "who" instead of "how" and explains how this mindset has helped him achieve success. Tune in to learn more from Jean Gilman.

World Proof Products

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Floor Academy is a podcast hosted by Kyle Hedin that provides small business information and guidance to flooring, tile and stone contractors on how to build a successful and sustainable business. The podcast aims to help contractors move from owning a job to owning an asset, by providing insights and strategies related to management, entrepreneurship, and networking.

Floor Academy covers a range of topics related to flooring, tile and stone business management, including small business advertising, paid traffic, and organic traffic. The podcast also provides information on promotional marketing, LLC setup, simple small business management, and networking strategies.

The podcast aims to help carpet, tile, stone, hardwood, floating floor, and many more types of contractors develop a deep understanding of business management, including effective networking and entrepreneurship strategies, which are crucial to achieving long-term success in the flooring industry. By discussing various topics related to small business management, such as finance, operations, marketing, sales, human resources, branding, advertising, interviewing, taxes, company structures, and more the podcast provides valuable insights to help flooring, tile and stone contractors become successful business owners.