Steve Cross and Greg Akerman (Chaotic Adequate) return to Flixwatcher to review Steve’s choice Road House.     Road House is a 1989 action film starring Patrick Swayze as Dalton a ‘cooler’ (specialist bouncer) hired to protect a newly refurbished roadside bar from violence by using violence. Sam Elliot co-stars as Dalton’s mentor and Kelly Lynch as sexy female doctor. If you like your films with lots of tits and punching in the balls look no further. The dialogue in Road House is as fascinating as it is ridiculous. There is a Monster Truck for no other reason that it’s cool to have a Monster Truck and Swayze rips a man's throat out with his bare hands.   Scores [supsystic-tables id=176] If you were a teenage boy in the 80s this could well be your guilty pleasure glove. To get the most out of Road House get really, really drunk. With a run time of two hours Road House drops some point on repeat viewing and engagement but manages to score a very respectable 3.93 overall. What do you guys think? Have you seen  Road House? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!  
Episode #169 Crew Links Thanks to the Episode #169 Crew of Steve Cross  (@steve_x) from, Chaotic Adequate Podcast and  Greg Akerman  (@gregory_akerman) also from Chaotic Adequate Podcast. Find their Websites online at and at and at Please make sure you give them some love
More about Road House For more info on Road House, you can visit Road House IMDb page here or Road House Rotten Tomatoes page here.  
Final Plug! Subscribe, Share and Review us on iTunes   If you enjoyed this episode of Flixwatcher Podcast you probably know other people who will like it too! Please share it with your friends and family, review us, and join us across ALL of the Social Media links below.
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  Steve Cross and Greg Akerman (Chaotic Adequate) return to Flixwatcher to review Steve’s choice Road House.     Road House is a 1989 action film starring Patrick Swayze as Dalton a ‘cooler’ (specialist bouncer) hired to protect a newly refurbished roadside bar from violence by using violence. Sam Elliot co-stars as Dalton’s mentor and Kelly Lynch as sexy female doctor. If you like your films with lots of tits and punching in the balls look no further. The dialogue in Road House is as fascinating as it is ridiculous. There is a Monster Truck for no other reason that it’s cool to have a Monster Truck and Swayze rips a man's throat out with his bare hands.   Scores

[supsystic-tables id=176] If you were a teenage boy in the 80s this could well be your guilty pleasure glove. To get the most out of Road House get really, really drunk. With a run time of two hours Road House drops some point on repeat viewing and engagement but manages to score a very respectable 3.93 overall. What do you guys think? Have you seen  Road House? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!  

Episode #169 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode #169 Crew of Steve Cross  (@steve_x) from, Chaotic Adequate Podcast and  Greg Akerman  (@gregory_akerman) also from Chaotic Adequate Podcast. Find their Websites online at and at and at Please make sure you give them some love

More about Road House

For more info on Road House, you can visit Road House IMDb page here or Road House Rotten Tomatoes page here.  

Final Plug! Subscribe, Share and Review us on iTunes

  If you enjoyed this episode of Flixwatcher Podcast you probably know other people who will like it too! Please share it with your friends and family, review us, and join us across ALL of the Social Media links below.

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