It’s Episode 85! JoJCast’s Jay and Jo join us to review probably the greatest romantic comedy ever made, When Harry Met Sally. Can men and women ever truly just be friends? Is the question When Harry Met Sally asks throughout its weaving in and out of Harry (Billy Crystal) and Sally (Meg Ryan) lives though the years. Directed by Rob Reiner and written by Nora Ephron is responsible in part for every other romantic comedy to follow since. The reason why? It’s brilliant. It’s an hour and a half of dazzling brilliance. Not a second is wasted, it’s funny and cute, Crystal and Ryan get equally great lines, Carrie Fisher and it’s set in New York. Scores [supsystic-tables id='88']Very few romcoms are When Harry Met Sally, and while we expected it might score high we didn’t predict it would be the film to topple What We Do In The Shadows from being the highest rated Flixwatcher. Scoring a massive 4.78 we have a new champion. Twitter agreed with us too. Go and celebrate with some Pecan pie. What do you guys think? Have you seen When Harry Met Sally? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!
Episode #085 Crew Links Thanks to the Episode #085 Crew of Jay and Jo from JoJCast’s  (@jojcast) Find their website online here: Please make sure you give them some love
Flixwatcher Spotify Playlist It has to be Putting on the Ritz, but there is no Gene Wilder version so we have added the Mel Torme Version!
More about When Harry Met Sally For more info on  When Harry Met Sally, you can visit the When Harry Met Sally IMDB page here or the When Harry Met Sally Rotten Tomatoes page here.
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It’s Episode 85! JoJCast’s Jay and Jo join us to review probably the greatest romantic comedy ever made, When Harry Met Sally. Can men and women ever truly just be friends? Is the question When Harry Met Sally asks throughout its weaving in and out of Harry (Billy Crystal) and Sally (Meg Ryan) lives though the years. Directed by Rob Reiner and written by Nora Ephron is responsible in part for every other romantic comedy to follow since. The reason why? It’s brilliant. It’s an hour and a half of dazzling brilliance. Not a second is wasted, it’s funny and cute, Crystal and Ryan get equally great lines, Carrie Fisher and it’s set in New York. Scores [supsystic-tables id='88']Very few romcoms are When Harry Met Sally, and while we expected it might score high we didn’t predict it would be the film to topple What We Do In The Shadows from being the highest rated Flixwatcher. Scoring a massive 4.78 we have a new champion. Twitter agreed with us too. Go and celebrate with some Pecan pie. What do you guys think? Have you seen When Harry Met Sally? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!

Episode #085 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode #085 Crew of Jay and Jo from JoJCast’s  (@jojcast) Find their website online here: Please make sure you give them some love

Flixwatcher Spotify Playlist

It has to be Putting on the Ritz, but there is no Gene Wilder version so we have added the Mel Torme Version!

More about When Harry Met Sally

For more info on  When Harry Met Sally, you can visit the When Harry Met Sally IMDB page here or the When Harry Met Sally Rotten Tomatoes page here.

Final Plug! Subscribe, Share and Review us on iTunes

If you enjoyed this episode of Flixwatcher Podcast you probably know other people who will like it too! Please share it with your friends and family, review us, and join us across ALL of the Social Media links below.

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