A great big ethereal conversation about Getting Things Done, Bullet Journal, notetaking, and the burdensome systems we all use to be "productive." Do you really need your Twitter archive stored away for all time? John Cleese says creative problem solving and doing work are two different modes and who are we to argue?

A great big ethereal conversation about Getting Things Done, Bullet Journal, notetaking, and the burdensome systems we all use to be "productive." Do you really need your Twitter archive stored away for all time? John Cleese says creative problem solving and doing work are two different modes and who are we to argue?

Show Notes
Bullet Journal
Mike’s Bullet Journal
John Gruber, writer of Daring Fireball
Why Twitter’s Newest Tweetstorm™ Trend Must Be Stopped
John Cleese - How to Inspire Creativity In Yourself

View show notes on Sunrise Robot.

Flipping Tables is hosted by Michael Edwards and David Lyons on Sunrise Robot. Check out other Sunrise Robot shows at sunriserobot.net.

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