How do gamers still find time to game when they grow up and become busy adults? How do you decide which games are worth spending time on, and what modern features make it easier to game in short spurts in many locations? Also, a discussion of classic games and which ones still hold up, and why.

How do gamers still find time to game when they grow up and become busy adults? How do you decide which games are worth spending time on, and what modern features make it easier to game in short spurts in many locations? Also, a discussion of classic games and which ones still hold up, and why.

Show Notes
Multiplayer Pokémon on Twitch
Ubisoft responds to Assassin's Creed Unity women character furor
XKCD comic about gaming on a budget
Sequelitis video about Mega Man X
Miyamoto asks Kotaku readers what games they want from Nintendo
Half-Life 2 Physics Demo
Fallout - Death by Deathclaw

View show notes on Sunrise Robot.

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