The Great Resignation is affecting every industry and every organization.  In collaboration with our partners at Penn State, the EngageMint team recently led a management retreat to discuss the trends and solutions to turn the "Great Attrition" into the "Great Attraction". 

A more unorthodox episode, David Millay and Katie Rudy host a round table discussion with Christina Gatehouse, Assistant AD for Human Resources at Penn State to share key takeaways from the retreat. 

We break down the most surprising data trends in our research, the impressionable action steps from the retreat and how you could conduct a similar session in your organization.

Additional EngageMint Podcast Episodes referenced
Leadership Lessons from a Disney Legend w/ Lee Cockerell

Resources for Learning More
McKinsey: How companies can turn the Great Attrition into the Great Attraction
EngageMint: Understanding the Great Resignation and What You Can Do About It