All good things must come to an end, and it’s no different for the Rookie Playbook series. It’s been an amazing 48 weeks, and we believe if you’ve come this far, you are now fully equipped with the knowledge on how to run your own real estate business. This isn’t a goodbye from your hosts as much as it is a see you soon, however, and we want you to know that we have plans set out for other shows that can help you with your real estate journey.

Today, Don and Ryan explain why they’re ending the show earlier than expected. They describe their other projects as well as what the audience can expect from the podcast. They share some of their recent real estate challenges and how they solved them. They also share some last-minute tips in managing a real estate company.


“If you can see that vision, if you can set the plans to your goals, you're going to get there so long as you put in the work.” - Ryan Scialabba



This Week on FlipTalk’s Rookie PlayBook:






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