Ever needed or wanted or been forced to rebuild your life? 

I'm currently on Debbie DeBerry 2.0 so I understand the rebuild all too well. 

Less than a year ago, Rachel was newly divorced and didn't know how she was going to provide for herself and her kids. 

For many years, she had a burning desire to flip houses. 

But she kept hearing she couldn't possible manage a flip and she wasn't smart enough to run a house flipping business. So, she did as society trains women to do and put her dream on the back-burner while supporting everyone else pursuing theirs.

Until right now in 2020 where she's knee-deep in the middle of her first flip.

This is an episode not to be missed!​


1. Sick of sitting on the sideline watching other people do the thing you want to be doing? Are you FINALLY ready to do what it takes to flip your first house and want incredible step-by-step training and support to get you there faster? Click here to see if we may be a fit to work together.

2. Follow That Flip! Follow this 8-part video series as we flip a house! 

3. Our goal is to inspire 1,000 new women each month and we've been achieving it with help from loyal listeners like you! If you are getting value out of this podcast will you kindly leave us a rating and review and help us spread our message?

4. Continue the house flipping conversation in our free Women Flipping Houses Facebook group.

Debbie DeBerry | The Flipstress®
Leaving people and places better than we find them.