In a world that seems to be clearly working AGAINST women, there is something cathartic about watching films where females turn the tables on the people keeping them down and teach them a little something about right and wrong. We watch two VERY wild examples of this type of storyline this time in the cave. We start off with 1987's Angel of Vengeance co-directed by two legends of low-budget filmmaking, Ted V. Mikels and Ray Dennis Steckler. It's a very rough tale of a woman beset by a group of survivalists in the desert and we get to watch her take them down one by one. It's a nasty bit of business but worth checking out. We follow that with 1985's Naked Vengeance from show-favorite Cirio Santiago. The story focuses on a woman who find herself in the wrong place at the wrong time and this sends her down a VERY dark path until she finds herself forced to murder most of the male residents of Silver Lake. It is a truly brutal movie but very satisfying once the revenge starts being handed out. We then proceed to list the various things we've been watching for fun. Please let us know what you thought of the show, and send us some suggestions for future episodes. You can email us at [email protected] or [email protected]. You can also reach us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

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