Flesh Wound Horror Live, with brand new reviews, news, and shenanigans. We kick it off with the creepy theatrical Shudder body horror flick, STOPMOTION, & we head to the high seas with the new Shark/Disaster movie, NO WAY UP. In addition we tackle the streaming on Shudder original, HISTORY OF EVIL, Troma's insane new cannibal themed horror comedy, EATING MISS CAMPBELL, & Ethan Cohen's new big screen action comedy, DRIVE AWAY DOLLS.


#Stopmotion #NoWayUp #HistoryOfEvil #DriveAwayDolls #EatingMissCampbell #Shudder #Sharks #Sharksploitation #EthanCohen #Jaws #MargaretQualley #GeraldineViswanathan #PedroPascal #Cannibals #LesbianComedy #LesbianFilms #BodyHorror #HorrorMovies #MattDamon #ColmanDomingo #AislingFranciosi #MommyIssues #ColmMeaney #PsychologicalThriller #Goth #HotForTeacher #LaurenceRHarvey #HumanCentipede #Troma #AquaticHorror