Major problems abound in this day in the Christendom because of the many atrocities we witness being performed by so-called 'men and women of God'.  All this serves to bring disrepute to the Church of God and blasphemy against the holy and glorious Name of our Lord and Saviour.  Faithful believers are compelled to uphold the honour of our God, but unfortunately not many feel this obligation but would rather claim they are leaving judgement to God; believers are called to righteous judgement.  We have a duty to call men from the way of error who are deluded to think they are worshipping the Lord while honouring the evil machinations of their false leaders.

Has God lowered His standards of accountability, holiness and righteousness for His servants? We know that God is immutable and His Word is settled in heaven and will never change; the holy Scriptures are to guide us until the return of our Christ.  Should we then continue to accept any person that rises up claiming they are called of God to His service without discernment? This must not be so!