The world hates God and does not hide the fact, so that is alright, God in His goodness has given mankind the right to choose right or wrong. The problem in hand however, is with those who profess they love God but are liars! The world abounds with so much superficial Christianity believing the lies of Satan rather than the truth of God.  I do believe that the African continent has the largest number of churches and an inordinate number of men and women who claim to be servants of God, but who have absolutely no knowledge of the Lord the purport to serve.  It is not as though these people do not know that they trade in deception, that is precisely what they set out to do, but their followers fail to see through their lies and deceit because their minds are not seeking the truth of God; they prefer the lies of Satan because it is more subtle and covers up their sins. 

There is only ONE way to be a Christian!