Previous Episode: Spirit-filled Christianity

The way the world measures success is actually in contrast to the way God sees success. The world's perspective is based on materialism and vain conceit. A person is considered a success because of their worldly achievements and societal influences, but these things have no eternal value and perish with use.

A successful life from the perspective of God is a life lived in obedience and honour of God and His Word. Such a person may have no wealth, flourishing career or popularity in the world, nor do they seek such. They however have a wonderful relationship with the Lord and revel in His goodness, joy and peace; the very things every person in the world covets and many pursue in the wrong ways. That relationship is for eternity, unlike relationships in the world that only last this far with the exception of the saints of God who will be forever eternally.

There is only ONE way to be a Christian!