Free Workshop & Webinar

Betrayal hurts. But you don’t have to stay in pain. Somatic processing is using the body to process emotions. Whether you are aware of it or not, the body sends and receives energy. Like a wire, when too much energy builds up, it either needs to discharge (in the form of an emotional outburst) or it short circuits and blows out the system (in the form of disease or pain) Somatic processing is a tool you can use to dissipate that build up in energy and emotion healthfully so you don’t do something you regret and hurt other people, or internalize you pain and hurt yourself.

Top Take-a-Ways:

What is Somatic Processing and how it helps alleviate uncomfortable sensations in the body, both old and new.
How to tune into the wisdom of your body and feel better fast, no matter what you are going through.
Exercises and processes you can use now, and every day going forward, to keep yourself more balanced, healthy, and free.

About Lora:

Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.

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Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!

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Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile!

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