Barry has put himself into stasis to try and preserve the 1% Speed he has left, but is woken by Chester following another attack by Eva. Eva has been busy destroying every remnant of Black Hole and tries to argue she's on the same side as the Flash as they both want Black Hole gone, but Barry simply retorts that if Eva was telling the truth then she would’ve already let Iris out of the Mirror World. Meanwhile, Cecile tries to interrogate Rosalind Dillon following Eva's murder of Sam Scudder, the first mirror duplicate she ever created. She discovers Dillon was also once an empath and that she was working with Black Hole and was actually a mastermind. Elsewhere, Nash discovers from the other Wells occupying his mind that there may be a way to partially activate the artificial speed force, but that it would result in his death, so searches for an alternative. Nash, Allegra, and Chester try a new method which results in Barry absorbing the minds of all the other Wells. Cecile uses her full powers against Dillon getting her to reveal that Eva plans to destroy a Black Hole plane over Central City. Chester, Allegra, and Nash restore Barry's mind and Nash sacrifices himself and the other Wells to power the artificial Speed Force and hands control of his body over to H.R. Wells, Sherloque and Harry so they can each have a moment to say goodbye to Barry. With the artificial Speed Force running, Barry has his powers back and saves the plane. Nash, upon his sacrifice, is disintegrated. The Black Hole items on the airplane end up in the custody of A.R.G.U.S. as Barry has Chester inform Cisco about what happened to Wells. Elsewhere, Iris attempts to escape from the Mirrorverse. Eva messes with Iris by presenting her with visions of herself mocking her over her situation. Eva sees footage of the night of the particle accelerator explosion and realizes that she's just a mirror duplicate. The real Eva never entered the Mirror World, and instead died upon impacting the mirror causing the mirror Eva to think that everything she originally thought was wrong.

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