Previous Episode: 1X19 Who Is Harrison Wells
Next Episode: 1X21 Grodd Lives

Episode Description: While in Wells’ secret room, Barry learns about his battle with the Reverse-Flash in the future, as well as key moments in his life that include marrying Iris, a promotion at the CCPD, and that he created the artificial consciousness known as Gideon in the future. The team regroups at Barry’s home, where Barry explains his plan to convince Wells to confess to killing his mother. In order to trap Wells, Cisco reverses the polarity of his containment field to protect himself from Wells, while Caitlin films the interaction to capture Wells’ confession. The trap fails, but Joe shoots Wells before he can kill Cisco. As Wells dies, his body transforms revealing himself to be Hannibal Bates. The real Wells calls the team, revealing that he was always aware of their actions because he had them under surveillance. Wells goes after Iris and Eddie, but Barry arrives forcing Wells to kidnap Eddie instead. Wells reveals to Eddie that he is really Eobard Thawne, Eddie’s future relative. Flashbacks reveals the aftermath of Barry being struck by lightning, and Wells offering Joe to save Barry’s life.

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Special thanks to Charlie Bock for our rocking outro music! Check out more of his work here –

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Beau York
With a passion for exemplary products and a love of the performing arts, Beau is constantly seeking out imaginative and entertaining opportunities. Whether he’s crafting out story lines, producing top rated podcasts, or helping local businesses achieve new levels of success, you can be sure to find a remarkable element of quality and thoughtfulness in all he touches.

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Matt Beall
Geek enthusiast and gaming extraordinaire, Matt is the go to guy for an all around good time. He is a gamer in the truest sense of the word, from the virtual to the table top and is ready to throw down at a moment's notice. His quick wit and general optimistic outlook on life makes him a welcome presence to an internet over saturated with trolls.

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Matt Beall

Geek enthusiast and gaming extraordinaire, Matt is the go to guy for an all around good time. He is a gamer in the truest sense of the word, from the virtual to the table top and is ready to throw down at a moment's notice. His quick wit and general optimistic outlook on life makes him a welcome presence to an internet over saturated with trolls.


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