Barely in his 40’s at the time, Steve Yerrid was the youngest member of the so-called “Dream Team” of Florida lawyers who took on Big Tobacco in the mid-1990’s - and won.  The idea to add racketeering and conspiracy charges – tripling the potential damages that could be awarded – contributed to the tobacco companies’ $13 billion settlement to reimburse Florida’s state Medicaid costs for ailing smokers.   Steve is still fighting Big Tobacco, helping to win a $15 million jury verdict against RJ Reynolds in 2017.

But there is so much more to Tampa’s Steve Yerrid than one single case.   They include his long-shot “Act of God” defense that exonerated the harbor pilot whose ship struck the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, leading to its deadly collapse.  In all, he’s won more than 250 verdicts and settlements of $1 million or more: several, record-setting.  Along the way, he’s been honored with the Florida Justice Association’s Perry Nichols Award, our highest honor.  He’s a member of the prestigious Inner Circle of Advocates, an invitation-only group of the best 100 trial lawyers in America.  He’s on the Board of Governors of the Fellows of the Academy of Florida Trial Lawyers.  And he is a key contributor to the Endowment Fund of the FJA Research & Education Foundation, our charitable entity.

Steve Yerrid sat down with Florida Justice Association Radio host Harvey Bennett in February 2018 and revealed his one key to courtroom success, words of wisdoms that have proven true along the way, and his advice to other lawyers on how to avoid letting trial law get the better of you.

Show Notes:
Steve Yerrid is with the Yerrid Law Firm in Tampa, Florida -

Resources Mentioned in this Podcast:
Visit the Florida Justice Association Research and Education Foundation Podcast Webpage for full details and extras on this podcast.

The Titans of Trial podcast, sponsored by the Florida Justice Association Research and Education Foundation, features Florida’s legendary trial attorneys revealing their keys to success – in law practice and in personal life – in their own words.  Behind the sometimes tough courtroom veneer lies the heart of a champion advocate.  Sometimes whimsical, often inspirational, but always with practical advice and lessons, Titans of Trial shares the personal stories of the men and women who’ve made a demonstrated difference to the practice of trial law in Florida.